Sep 17, 2009


it's the first posting to this "SuzudoYuriCMC4Fall2009" blog.

my name is Yuri Suzudo. nice to meet you!

I'm from section BK. we are kind of individual, but not a bad section I think.

my hobby is reading books and comics.
I'm in ICU musical society, Kokasya, and ICU Glee club.
gleeclub have a concert next tuesday so please come and enjoy!


  1. i wanna go to that concert but i have championship(badminton) on that day...

  2. Thanks your comment.

    Hey I think I saw you in the play
    of Kokasha!

  3. Hi!
    Thank you for visiting my blog yesterday.
    I will show you my lacework stuffs someday.

    I want to go to your concert but I cannot, too. Sorry.
    I pray that you have nice weekend and perform well.
