Sep 24, 2009

wonder wheel

It's amazing and interesting tool.
we can easily find related things and the movement of the wheels are comical.
It can be used by person who don't like using internet because it's kind of funny.

about my reading

I read Fisher for my ARW class and what I thought was, why did he write such a long article.
what I got from Fisher was that perception is very individual thing and we can perceive only what we can feel.
He need only one paragraph to describe those things.
Well...maybe I should read more and more times to understand better.

Sep 17, 2009


it's the first posting to this "SuzudoYuriCMC4Fall2009" blog.

my name is Yuri Suzudo. nice to meet you!

I'm from section BK. we are kind of individual, but not a bad section I think.

my hobby is reading books and comics.
I'm in ICU musical society, Kokasya, and ICU Glee club.
gleeclub have a concert next tuesday so please come and enjoy!