Nov 10, 2009


What we searched were how many people will have PE and introduction to christianity class next term and what they chose for the PE class.

first, we got 14 responses.

only one student will not take the PE class next term.
It was 7% of all.

the most chosen PE class as a first choice was social dance which got 29% of all.

for second choice, Wadaiko was the most chosen one. 23%.

the number of the students who have not taken Introduction to Chiristianity was
6 and it is 43% of all.

For Introduction to Chiristianity, the answers for the question "Which teacher do you recommend for" were Anri-sensei, Ro-sensei and Fukai-sensei.

this Google Forms was very easy to use and easy to check or show the survey we got.
But I think showing results more compact will be better.

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